What Does "Every eye will see Him" Mean in Revelation 1:7?

What does “every eye will see Him” mean in Revelation 1.7?

Many consider Revelation 1.7 to be the theme verse of the entire book of Revelation ... Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.

This verse is filled with remarkable statements concerning the time when Jesus will come again. It is interesting to note that very few of the resources I have deal with the phrase “every eye will see Him” in any real depth. Maybe because it’s hard to be dogmatic and it involves some speculation on our part.

But there are several things we can know with certainty from this verse ...
  • The verse clearly references the second coming of Jesus Christ by merging truths from two OT texts: Daniel 7.13 and Zechariah 12.10 (see also Matthew 24.30). Revelation 1.7 doesn’t refer to the rapture because the Bible speaks of the rapture as a private or secret event, not a public event in which “every eye will see Him.”
  • Jesus is coming again – of this there can be no doubt – so it is to be.
  • When He comes again, He will do so in the same manner as when He ascended into heaven in Acts 1 - with the clouds.
  • When He returns, the earth will mourn (either in repentance and sorrow for putting Jesus to death or more likely the mourning is due to the judgment Christ brings on the world).
  • At His return, every eye will see Him.

This is the phrase we are seeking to understand. There are several possibilities ...
1.  It could be hyperbole – a figure of speech exaggerating claims in order to make a point but not to be taken literally. In the opening verses of Mark’s Gospel, we read that “all the country of Judea was going to him [John the Baptist] and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were being baptized by him in the Jordon River.” Now, no one takes this verse to mean that EVERYONE in Judea and Jerusalem was baptized by John. This is a figure of speech to help us understand the far-reaching impact of John’s ministry. The same thing could be argued here in Revelation 1.7 with the word “every.” In other words, the world will know when Jesus returns. There will be no doubt about what is happening.
2. The statement could be understood in a strict and literal sense, i.e., EVERY eye will see Jesus when He returns. Some believe this refers literally to every person, even those who have died. They will supernaturally be able to witness His return. The late Tim LaHaye embraced this viewpoint ... “This does not mean only those who are on earth at that time. It means every eye. Jesus himself said to Caiaphas, the high priest, ‘I say to all of you: in the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven’ (Matthew 26:64). Caiaphas is now dead and, unless he repented with those on the day of Pentecost, is in Hades. Thus we see that even those in Hades will see Him.” This viewpoint accounts for the phrase, “even those who pierced Him,” as referring to the particular people historically responsible for the death of Jesus – Pilate, Annas, Caiaphas and the Jewish leaders of the Sanhedrin who pronounced Him guilty. Others would see these individuals as representatives of all of mankind.
3. It’s maybe best and most natural to understand the phrase to refer to those who are alive at the time of Jesus’ return. Of course, believers of the church age will not only see His return but will participate in it (Revelation 19.14).

But how would everyone see Jesus as He returns? Mark Hitchcock writes, “It could be that Jesus will reflect His glory or even the image of His coming around the earth. His radiance could circumscribe the earth so that all will see Him.” In other words, God would accomplish this in a supernatural way.

However, it seems the Bible indicates that the second coming will take place gradually over many hours, 24 hours or even longer. Read Revelation 19.11-19. The nature of Jesus’ coming must be such that the armies of the earth gathered at Armageddon will recognize what is happening and turn together to make war against the One coming on the white horse (11.19).

John Walvoord writes, “Taken as a whole, the second coming of Christ is a majestic event, not instantaneous like the rapture, but extending over many hours. This perhaps explains why everyone can see it, because in the course of a day, the earth will rotate and the entire world will be able to see the approach of Christ accompanied by the hosts of heaven, which will descend to the earth in the area of the Mount of Olives.”

Regardless of how we understand what it means that “every eye will see Him,” we can be certain that Jesus will indeed come again and when He does, the world will know what is happening.

1 Comment

Carlos Maspons - September 27th, 2024 at 4:18pm

(1) I would propose that John is not writing in hyperbole. He begins his statement with “Behold” (H: ἰδού / idou) in the second person singular imperative middle voice.

nIt means, to know by seeing, be aware, be sure. It is a command!

nThis implies that what follows can be known by direct observation or as a result of first hand experience. We are therefore, invited/commanded to turn our attention to the clouds. The reason for this is to witness an event so revolutionary, so special and unique, that humanity will never be the same afterward.

nThe fact that “He is coming” is linked by the word “and” to “every eye will see Him”, demands that we conclude and consider both as facts. The literal reality of the latter cannot be separated from that of the former. They are both equally real and literal. By comparison, the ascension was witnessed by a few, and most of mankind continued on its course. On His return, everyone sees Him and nothing is ever the same again!


n(2) The statement of Jesus to Caiaphas, the high priest, ‘I say to all of you: in the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven’ (Matthew 26:64), was given directly, person to person, eye to eye and must be taken literally. Notice that that the “you will see” defines whose eyes do the seeing of the Son of Man coming on clouds of heaven. These are the very eyes of Caiaphas and company. Therefore, “every eye will see Him” must include them. The implication of this is nothing less than an awesome inexplicable act of divine, universal revelation! Caiaphas’ eyes, along with every eye justified or condemned, who pierced Him or who mourned Him, dead or living, blind or sighted, on the earth or in the heavens off of the earth, will “BEHOLD”!