"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30
CBC’s Women's Ministries exists to disciple women so they grow into ever-increasing intimacy with the Lord and deepening community with each other. Throughout the year, we organize a variety of opportunities designed to meet the needs of the women of CBC. The goal is to see women apply the truth of God’s Word to all areas of their lives, so they will impact their marriages, workplace, families and communities for the Lord. Our ministries to women include Bible studies, retreats and seminars where relationships are formed and friendships are deepened.
Ladies Tuesday Bible Study
Everything hinges on "the Beginning." See the introduction to work, rest, relationships, control issues, marriage, parenting, bodies, food, souls, nakedness, fear and so much more. Be surprised by our Creator Who invites us into the garden. Know His goodness and rest.
We will meet weekly, beginning on January 7, 2025, for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion. Books are available for purchase at CBC, or online. You will not need the book for the first week, as this will be a time of fellowship and introductions. This study is open to all women looking for fellowship and deeper relationship with the Lord. You do not need to be an attendee of CBC. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, womensministry@cbcomaha.org.
We will meet weekly, beginning on January 7, 2025, for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion. Books are available for purchase at CBC, or online. You will not need the book for the first week, as this will be a time of fellowship and introductions. This study is open to all women looking for fellowship and deeper relationship with the Lord. You do not need to be an attendee of CBC. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, womensministry@cbcomaha.org.
Study Information:
Simply Bible Study: Genesis 12-33, by Carmen Beasley
Simply Bible Study: Genesis 12-33, by Carmen Beasley
- CBC Cornerstone Room
- Tuesday Mornings: 9:30-11:00 am
- *Nursery and Homeschool Room available for AM study only*
- Tuesday Evenings: 7:00-8:30 pm
2025 Women's Spring Seminar
Jesus tells us that suffering is a must-have. It was for His life, and it is for ours.
Our natural bent is to crave comfort, maintain personal peace, and avoid sacrifice and trial. But the paradox of true life in Jesus is that it comes by way of suffering, sacrifice and death. Jesus not only modeled suffering and sacrifice for us, but what He accomplished for us on the cross actually makes it possible for us to follow Him in death and life.
Over the course of the day we’re going to see that suffering is a necessity, and yet when we walk out setting our minds on the things of God, we follow Jesus into abundant life. We will see that by losing our life, we actually find it. What does this mean? How is this good news? Join us as we learn together!
Come spend the day with your sisters in Christ! Our time together will include a light breakfast/coffee, worship, speaker sessions, workshops, and lunch. (Childcare will NOT be provided for this event.)
Cost is $20/person to attend.